God ALWAYS has a Way - Baby Elizabete

My time as a 'mom' to baby Elizabete has come and gone. I feel so blessed for the opportunity, despite the circumstances. I have learned so much these last few days on how to love and care for a baby. I am surprised at how fast and deep a love was formed by me for her. In my training before I came to Latvia, we discussed 'Loss' and the reality of it on the mission field. I did not anticipate expeiencing loss in the form of a 2-month baby.

So many things in my past helped me to be equipped for this time; the adoption process with my sister and her son, the education of Foster Care at Beech Street FBC, and the parties in Texarkana with more babies than adults. I am very thankful for these experiences.

Last night and today, I spent some time praying protection over Elizabete. I prayed for her future, new family, and health. I also prayed for her birth mom and saftey and future. Although it was hard to see her go and the circumstances that got her here are sad, it was such a blessing to see her new family loving on her and greatful for their new daughter.

I realized that in Riga I walk down Elizabete Street everyday. This will be a constant reminder of God's mercy, grace, faithfullness, and protection. I will be reminded to pray for Elizebete but also reminded of the things God did during this time and always.

Like many things, some of the details were lost in translation. I have since found out that this family will be Elizabete's parents until her birth mom turns 18. At that time they will proceed with adoption, unless mom objects and wants to take her back; it is similar the US system of 'Foster to Adopt'. Foster care is very rare in Latvia. For a family to be available and willing to take Elizabete on that day and in this town is God's work for sure!

Please pray for Elizabete and for her new family!

This song came to me as the new family was walking out: " Good Father"


God speed...I understand now


Run away mom - crying baby - adoption