Ask and it will be given to you..

In preparing to get supplies for the O&P clinic I will hold at  the Wings for Wheel camp for people with disabilities, I realized that I did not have an adequate supply of joints to use for leg braces, the majority of what is needed. Becker Orthopedics was so generous just a few months ago by providing several sets of joints, which I have used most of. I was hesitant to ask for more, as I did not want to appear greedy or take advantage of their generosity. The joints are the most expensive part of making an orthotic brace. I finally decided to make a BIG ask, praying that God would open the hearts of Mr. Becker as he received the email.

To my surprise, Mr. Becker gladly agreed to send everything I asked for!! Becker Orthopedic is providing 10 pairs of knee joints and 10 pairs of ankle joints! WOW!!
Why was I surprised?!? If I really believe that no ask is too big for God, should this be an expected blessing? I am still learning to ask and ask big with expectancy of God's provision.

Part of being a missionary is asking people for help, physically and financially. This ''asking thing" has been the most challenging thing to do, yet the most humbling and rewarding part of being a missionary. God promises that He will provide for those doing His work, and He has shown that to me so many times this past year.

I continue to be overwhelmed by God's provision through friends and family that support me and the Designed to Live ministry! He has placed people in my life that I am able to ask for help which have become great friends and helpers of the Designed to Live ministry. The team of supporters have encouraged me through their faithfulness and consistency with financial gifts, encouraging words, and helpful hands. Thank you for helping me to be part of God's plan in Latvia and I am so excited to see how He continues to provide!

God is faithful and provides!!


Showing God's Love, One Brace at a Time


Partners in Service