How can I serve?

When many of us think of including people with disabilities in our churches we think of big budgets, expensive buildings, and complicated techniques. But you don’t need money or a Phd to include people with disabilities - you simply need a desire to love your neighbors who are impacted by disability. You might spend money on establishing a new ministry, you might spend money updating your building, and you might spend money altering some of your current systems…but you might not. We all feel like we don’t have enough resources to reach, serve, and include people with disabilities but that is an error in perception. We’re here for you and we’ll help you see how people with disabilities can be included with the resources you already have.

What is the cost? Not a program

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Parents and siblings are many times overlooked in services for someone with a disability, yet are the ones who often suffer the most with isolation, stress, depression, and exhaustion. It is important to care for the ENTIRE family: parents/caregivers, siblings, and those living with a disability.

Accessibility Projects

Simple Ways to serve

  • Provide transportation

  • Welcome at church

  • Home visit

  • Phone calls

  • Respite time for parents

  • Store runs


  • Ask….

  • Siblings – thew whole family

  • Some cannot come to church…go to them!

Church greeter


Church café help